Sunday, April 03, 2005

Webcast guidelines

Here's my first attempt at some guidelines to make the user group experience better:

1. If you are not presenting, mute your phone
Use the mute button or *6
This will remove almost all the static and interference we were getting at the last meeting
The only reason you'll need to come off mute is too ask a question, or if you are presenting. Possibly if we wanted to check all are receiving loud and clear, but this can also be done via the Live Meeting interface.

2. If you are presenting, you are in control until you hand over to the next presenter
If you are presenting you are responsible for handling questions, wrapping up ontime, etc.
Make sure you keep an eye on the Live Meeting question box.
Then hand over to the next presenter, with a simple 'Now I'll hand over to...' and then mute your phone
This will avoid those awkward silences when we don't know who is doing what.

3. Make use of the Live meeting question box.
Instead of coming off mute and interrupting during a presentation, enter your question in the Live meeting box. Presenters will need to ensure they keep an eye on this and if the don't intend to answer it until later, they should still acknowledge it so that the question raiser doesn't feel they need to repeat it.

4. Get online early if possible
Live Meeting 'announces' people as they join (not sure if we can turn this off) which is kinds distracting.
It also announces people as they leave, so if you could stay online until the end that would be good.

5. If you are presenting, make sure any materials are loaded ready for you to start immediately control is handed over to you.

This will make for a very smooth, clear UG meeting.

Any other ideas? Please let me know.


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