Wednesday, October 27, 2004

User Group Webcast details

Here are the details to join the Sydney VFP User Group Webcast at 6:30pm EST on Wednesday 27 October 2004. (Note you only need to dial in if you want to send audio - you can hear audio via the web link)

You have been invited to a Microsoft Office Live Meeting. At the time of the meeting, click on the following link to attend:

Meeting Title: VFP User Group Meeting
Audio Information: Dial-in numbers below PIN: 444127

If you cannot click the meeting link above, or it does not work, please do the following:
Browse to:
Type your name
Type the Meeting ID as: acoat888222
Type the Password as: 801696

Dialin numbers

Australia, Adelaide
+61 8 8217 7432

Australia, Brisbane
+61 7 3218 7022

Australia, Canberra
+61 2 6122 4672

Australia, Melbourne
+61 3 9286 3225

Australia, Perth
+61 8 9420 8419

Australia, Sydney
+61 2 9870 2922

New Zealand, Auckland
+64 9 357 5566

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